Can my diet actually improve my chance of getting pregnant?
You will be glad to hear that there are actually many things you can do to enhance your nutrition for a successful pregnancy! Woo hoo!
Tailored nutrition strategies can help to improve:
Regularity of your menstrual cycle which can support tracking ovulation
Egg quality so that they have a better chance of successful fertilisation and implantation
Reduce risk of miscarriage
The health of the uterine lining, vital for implantation
Improve sperm health
Overall this all equates to higher success of getting pregnant!
You’ve probably heard at some stage that when you are born you have already grown all of the eggs you’ll ever have - but this doesn’t mean they aren't affected by the environment around them.
That environment? That is, what’s inside your body, which is affected by your nutrition and other aspects of your health. Inflammation and micronutrient availability will impact on how these primordial eggs mature.
So many people don’t realise that the diet you are having today is impacting on the quality of eggs (and sperm too boys, but we will come back to that another day) maturing in about three months.
This means it’s never too early or too late to make a nutrition change to improve fertility.